Chemical Monitoring of Coastal Environments Summer School
Ifremer and AFD are pleased to announce the 1rst Summer school on the Chemical Monitoring of Coastal Environments from 10th to 21st October 2022. We are now accepting applications, please see below for more information.
Applications are now being accepted for the Chemical Monitoring of Coastal Environments Summer School, to be held at the Ifremer Atlantic Center in the city of Nantes, France, from 10th to 21rst October 2022.
The 2 weeks summer school will consist of a series of lectures, laboratory hands on and 1-day field trip. The aim of the school is to give attendees an overview of scientific knowledge and practical guidelines to sample, analyze and interpret marine chemical data in the frame of chemical monitoring actions.
The Summer School is targeted at PhD students, Post-doctoral fellows and Master level permanent staff.
- 1-day field trip to Le Croisic (90km of Nantes, West coast): sampling of sediments, mollusks and seawater
- >35h hands on in Ifremer laboratories: sample preparation, sample analysis, data treatment (organic and metallic contaminants, nutriment, micro-algae taxonomy)
- 15h lectures: Biogeochemistry, Ecotoxicology, Eutrophication, Harmful Algae, Zone case study, Analytical Procedures, Observation Network Management, Environmental Quality Assessment, Chemical Risk Assessment, Environmental Psychology
Registration fee: free of charge.
All costs including accomodation, restauration (breakfasts, lunches, diners and 1 social diner) and local transport will be offered to attendees. A grant of maximum 1000€ will be attributed to each attendee to cover travel costs. Please highlight in your covering letter if you would like to be considered for this and your reasons for requesting bursary assistance.
To apply for he Summer School, please submit the following documents to
1. Application form to be downloaded here.
2. A 5-10 ligns abstract of your current work. This should be no more than 1 page of A4 in Arial font, size 11 (approx. 300 words), to include 1 table or figure if applicable.
3. A short CV including research interests.
Registration will be open from 1st February 2022
The closing date for applications is 1st May 2022, 23h59 CEST.
The decisions will be announced no later than on 15th June 2022.
Please direct all enquiries to Dr Emmanuel Ponzevera, Summer School coordinator at