Emergent'Sea (2019-2023)
Ifremer coordination | Type of project | Financing | Project duration | Link |
I. Amouroux (ARC) | National | OFB Réseau de surveillance prospective | 2019-2023 |
Emergent'Sea is a national project that is in line with the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC), which aims to achieve good chemical and ecological status of water bodies in Europe. In addition to the substances defined at the European level for the Chemical Status assessment, each Member State has the ability to designate some pollutants as relevant at a hydrographic bassin or national stage named River Basin-Specific Pollutants (RBSP), to be taken into account for the assessment of the ecological status.
The aim of Emergent'Sea is to identify, from an initial list of substances of emerging concern (CEC), relevant substances to be researched in the marine environment that can ultimately be proposed as candidate RBSP for the coastal environment and be monitored within the framework of this European directive.
This national project is being carried out within the framework of the Réseau de Surveillance Prospective, a permanent support system for the development of chemical monitoring of aquatic environments, under the supervision of several institutions: Ministry of the Environment, French Office for Biodiversity (OFB), Water Agencies and Offices.
The initial list of substances of emerging concern is defined in order to ensure either consistency of monitoring along the land-sea continuum and consistency of marine monitoring at European and international level. The targeted substances are pesticides, biocides, antifouling biocides, compounds for pharmaceutical use, metal compounds and persistent organic pollutants. As these are emerging substances, likely to be present in the marine environment in trace amounts, the general approach is to investigate these substances in samples from "sentinel" sites, considered to be exposed to contaminant inputs and subject to one or more anthropogenic pressures: urban, industrial, agricultural and / or port. In order to promote the detection of these substances, the sampling concerns biological and physical integrative matrices: molluscs and passive samplers. In total, about thirty sites have been selected for sampling molluscs (mussels or oysters) and passive samplers (Diffusive Gradient in Thin films and POCIS). Sampling is scheduled for 2021 and 2022. The results are expected at the end of 2022.
Ifremer staff | Academic partners |
A. Grouhel (ROCCH) | LPTC |
Main results:
Isabelle Amouroux, Catherine Munschy, Jean-Louis Gonzalez,Anne Grouhel, Yann Aminot, Emmanuel Ponzevera, Mélissa Dallet, Florence Menet, Lucie Bizzozero, Gilles Trut, Marc Bouchoucha, Julien Cheve, Luc Lebrun, Raoul Gabellec, Dominique Munaron, Audrey Bruneau, David Devreker, 2020. Emergent’Sea - Recherche de Substances d’intérêt Emergent en Milieu Marin. DCE : Réseau de Surveillance Prospective - Volet Littoral. Mai 2020, 29 p