Passive Samplers

How to use passive samplers?

Passive samplers have been developed and used for many years to detect chemical contaminants at trace levels in the marine environment. Several scientific projects have been conducted or are ongoing in Europe, including Monitool, or French projects carried out in collaboration with the Office Français de la Biodiversité via Aquaref and "Réseau de Surveillance Prospective" .

In order to facilitate the use of these devices, we have created the following series of tutorials for field operators, showing good practises in terms of preparation, deployment, retrieval and laboratory processing of various types of passive sampler (PS), prior to dispatch to the testing laboratory.

These tutorials are intended as complements to PS training sessions and existing methodology documentation: A Good Practice Guide for the Use of DGTs.

The operations presented here are applicable to marine and continental waters.

Various passive samplers are presented: Diffusive Gradient in Thin films (DGT), Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) and Membranes, Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE).


Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Amouroux Isabelle, Lesbats Stéphane (2020). Tutorials for the operational deployment of passive samplers for the measurement of metal and organic contaminants in the marine environment.


