
SYMBIOTOX (2022-2027)

Impacts of chemical and biological contaminations on microbiome associated with marine bivalves and toxic microalgae

ECOCAP (2021-2024)

Analyse écotoxicologique des protections cathodiques pour évaluer le risque chimique des éléments libérés par les anodes galvaniques et le courant imposé sur le milieu marin et ses réseaux trophiques

Etude stabilité COH Biote (2023-2024)

Etude de la stabilité des contaminants organiques hydrophobes dans le biote marin en fonction des conditions de stockage

AQUAREF (2023-2026)

Contribution de l’Ifremer-CCEM à AQUAREF, laboratoire national de référence pour la surveillance des milieux aquatiques

PHIBIE (2023-2025)

ImPact de la contamination chimique sur le protéome de l’Huitre creuse : cas de la Baie de Bourgneuf

MIRACLE (2023-2025)

Application des eMpreintes Isotopiques de métaux pour tRacer le trAnsfert de la Contamination métaLlique vers les poissons dans les zonEs nourricières côtières

DELMOGES (2022-2025)

Delphinus mouvements gestion

ANEMOI (2023-2027)

Chemical emissions from offshore wind farms: assessing impacts, gaps and opportunities

C-BASS (2022-2024)

How does Combined exposure to Contaminants of emerging Concern and Climate Change affect European sea BASS?

PESTO (2020-2024)

Early Developmental and Multigenerational Effects of Pesticide Exposure in the Pacific Oyster

PolluEcume (2022-2023)

Développer et tester une méthodologie pour évaluer le risque pour les habitats benthiques lié au cumul des rejets issus des systèmes anticorrosion présents au sein des parcs EMR

ESTEMPEE (2021-2023)

Spatio-TEMporel study of the Panache of the LoirE estuary

PACIPOP (2020-2023)

Top predators of the Southern Pacific Ocean and persistent organic contaminants

MAGMA (2019-2023)

The West Gironde Mud Patch: an integrated model for the application of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive to marine offshore system

EMERTROPH (2020-2022)

Transfers of contaminants of emerging concern in estuarine food webs

COMENRADE (2020-2021)

Contamination, origin, and transfer of trace metal elements on the southeastern part of Brest Bay

COREPH (Since 2014)

Observing Chemical Contamination of Food Webs

Passive sampling in overseas departments (Since 2006)

Contribution of passive sampling techniques to the chemical monitoring of water bodies and WFD implementation in the overseas departments

ANODE (2019-2020)

Quantitative evaluation of metals released into the marine environment from the galvanic anodes of ORE structures

CHOPIN (2017-2020)

Legacy and emerging organohalogen contaminants: presence and transfer to common sole (Solea solea), impact of contamination on the nursery and consequences to the population

MERITE (2016-2020)

Marine Ecosystem Response to the Input of conTaminants in the coastal zonE

POLLUSOLS (2015-2020)

Diffuse pollution through the Land-Sea continuum

MiPlAqua (2016-2019)

Approche combinée terrain/laboratoire pour l’évaluation de l’impact des microplastiques sur des organismes aquatiques d’intérêt socio-économique (moules, huîtres)

Lab-On-Ship (2014-2019)

Lab-On-valve system for shipboard heavy metals measurements

Moules Hybrides (2018)

Mytilus sp. hybridization on the French Atlantic coast and implication in biomonitoring

GANESH (2016-2018)

Functional study of the genes involved in embryo-larval abnormalities in the cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas in the context of exposure to pesticides

GIMEPEC (2012-2015)

Genotoxicity, IMmunotoxicity and rEprotoxicity of PEsticides in Crassostrea gigas

Emergent’Sea outre-mer - Martinique (2023-2025)

Recherche de contaminants d'intérêt émergent en milieu marin - Martinique

ISOPESC (2023-2024)

Approche multi-ISOtopique d’éléments traces métalliques pour le traçage de sources, le suivi de la bioaccumulation et l’étude des transferts vers des PrédatEurS des éCosystèmes marins

CONTRAST (2024-2027)

Contaminants of emerging concern: An Integrated Approach for assessing impacts on the marine environment

SPECTROBS (2022-2026)

Développement d'outils spectroscopiques pour l'évaluation de la qualité de l'environnement marin : application à la moule marine (Mytilus edulis)

CURL (2020-2021)

Contamination chimique du milieU maRin : Contribution à l'évaLuation de l'exposition aux substances chimiques

HEPATOX3D (2023-2025)

Développement de modèles cellulaires hépatiques 3D chez les poissons marins pour l’étude du métabolisme et la compréhension des mécanismes de toxicité des contaminants chimiques

TELOMER (2022-2025)

ImpacT of pEsticides on teLOMERe length and attrition rate in the Pacific oyster: a potential biomarker of health status and longevity 

SEAwise (2021-2025)

Shaping ecosystem-based fisheries management

GMOS TRAIN (2020-2024)

Network-based highly interdisciplinary research training programme

NourDem EMFAF 2022 (2022-2023)

A close examination of nurseries in the Seine, Loire and Gironde estuaries

EXPLOPE (2021-2023)

Exploring the environmental occurrence and links between organophosphate esters additives and micro-plastics in sediments and benthic organisms (Loire estuary)

TREMOLO (2021-2023)

Distribution and fate of EMergent TRaces elements in the environmental matrices of the LOire estuary

Emergent'Sea (2019-2023)

Search and discovery of contaminants of emerging concern in the marine environment

MONITOOL (2017-2023)

New tools for monitoring the chemical status in transitional and coastal water under the WFD

SIMBIOSE (2020-2022)

Sustainable Innovation in Martinique: BIOfouling Solution for clean Energy

SELI (Since 2016)

Monitoring of biological effects induced by chemical contamination

VEILLE POP (Since 2010)

Prospective monitoring of persistent organic pollutants of emerging concern in marine mollusks

COCONUt (2019-2021)

Chemical contamination, growth and body condition of juvenile sea bass in nurseries: a preliminary study of their potential links

JPI OCEAN (2019-2020)

Integrated assessment of new pollutants

OXOMAR (2016-2020)

Degradation, Biodegradation and toxicity of Oxo-biodegradable Plastics in the oceans

VGE Mollusques (2015-2020)

Conversion of EQS marine water into Environmental Guide Values Molluscs – EGV molluscs

MEDCIS (2018-2019)

Support Mediterranean Member States towards coherent and Coordinated Implementation of the second phase of the MSFD

PHYTOCOTE (2015-2019)

Phytosanitary products in the LabEx COTE - Use in agrosystems, bioaccumulation, transfers and impacts on ecosystems

TOUCAN (2016-2018)

Trophic transfer of major chemical pollutants in Arcachon Bay: which impact on the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas ?

EMIHP (2017-2018)

Molecular Study of Herbicide-Protein D1 Interactions in Tetraselmis suecica

IMPACT (2013-2016)

Influence of the quality of dissolved organic matter on the toxicity of pesticides towards microalgae along a freshwater – marine water continuum

TOPHYPAC (2011-2014)

TOlerance of PHYtoplankton communities to PHYtosanitary in the plume of Charente river