MONITOOL (2017-2023)

New tools for monitoring the chemical status in transitional and coastal water under the WFD

Ifremer coordination

Type of project


 Project duration


I. Amouroux (ARC)
J.L. Gonzalez (LBCM)


Interreg Atlantique



According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD), (Directive 2000/60/EC) the Chemical Status of water bodies is assessed on the basis of the compliance for each priority substance of the measured concentration with Environmental Quality Standards (EQS). EQS marine water for lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) refers to the dissolved concentration. In aquatic environments, most chemical contaminants (metallic or organic) are present at trace levels, complicating the detection (and quantification) of contaminants by standardized analytical techniques. Beyond that, the low spatial and temporal representativeness of the results of spot sampling has been pointed out, therefore the use of integrative matrix, such as molluscs, or passive samplers is preferred to monitor the chemical contamination of water bodies. The use of passive samplers, enabling low disturbance in situ sampling of trace element species and providing time-averaged concentration of contaminants during the deployment time, appears as a more reliable approach for the environment chemical monitoring. The MONITOOL project focuses on the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique, which stands out as one of the most widely used passive sampler for metals. Despite the wide application of DGTs for in situ measurements of metal speciation in numerous scientific studies, the use of DGT results in a regulatory context for chemical status assessment is not considered as yet.

The MONITOOL project aims to provide a robust database of dissolved and labile metal concentrations in transitional and coastal waters for adapting existing Environmental Quality Standards (EQS; 0.45 µm-filtered) for passive sampling devices (EQSDGT), in order to evaluate the chemical status of marine waters under the WFD. 8 European partners and 6 associated partners are involved in MONITOOL project.

A brief overview of MONITOOL project (6") and its main results


Short video of DGT interlaboratory exercice 2018  at Lazaret :

Jean-Louis Gonzalez, Isabelle Amouroux

with the involvement of LER PAC : Fabienne Chavanon, Michelle Brochen & Benoist De vogüé. 

Pictures : Stéphane Lesbats

Ifremer Staff
Academic partners

S. Guesdon (LER PC)
F. Menet (LER N)
M. Dallet (INERIS)

8 Partenaires européens : DCU (Irlande) : Coordinateur du projet, CEFAS (Angleterre), AZTI (Espagne), Ifremer (France), IPMA (Portugal), IST (Portugal), ITC (Canaries), Unica (Italie)

et 6 partenaires associés dont l’OFB.

Main results :

Rodríguez Jose German, Amouroux Isabelle, Belzunce-Segarra María Jesús, Bersuder Philippe, Bolam Thi, Caetano Miguel, Carvalho Inês, Correia Dos Santos Margarida, Fones Gary R., Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Guesdon Stephane, Larreta Joana, Marras Barbara, McHugh Brendan, Menet-Nédélec Florence, Menchaca Iratxe, Gabet Vanessa Millán, Montero Natalia, Nolan Martin, Regan Fiona, Robinson Craig D., Rosa Nuno, Sanz Marta Rodrigo, Schintu Marco, White Blánaid, Zhang Hao (2021). Assessing variability in the ratio of metal concentrations measured by DGT-type passive samplers and spot sampling in European seawaters . Science Of The Total Environment , 783, 147001 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Millán Gabet Vanessa, Rodrigo Sanz Marta, Amouroux Isabelle, Belzunce Maria Jesus, Bersuder Philippe, Bolam Thi, Caetano Miguel, Correia Dos Santos Margarida, Fones Gary R., Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Guesdon Stephane, Larreta Joana, Marras Barbara, McHugh Brendan, Menchaca Iratxe, Menet-Nedelec Florence, Montero Natalia, Regan Fiona, Robinson Craig D., Rodriguez German, Schintu Marco, White Blánaid, Zhang Hao (2021). A Good Practice Guide for the Use of DGTs. Sampling of metals in transitional and coastal waters by Diffusive Gradient in Thin films (DGT) technique. MONITOOL project . Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC).

Bersuder Philippe, Amouroux Isabelle, Belzunce-Segarra María Jesús, Bolam Thi, Caetano Miguel, Carvalho Inês, Correia Dos Santos Margarida, Fones Gary R., Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Guesdon Stephane, Larreta Joana, Marras Barbara, McHugh Brendan, Menet-Nédélec Florence, Menchaca Iratxe, Gabet Vanessa Millán, Montero Natalia, Nolan Martin, Regan Fiona, Robinson Craig D., Rosa Nuno, Sanz Marta Rodrigo, Rodríguez José German, Schintu Marco, White Blánaid, Zhang Hao (2021). Concurrent sampling of transitional and coastal waters by Diffusive Gradient in Thin-films (DGT) and spot sampling for trace metals analysis . Methodsx , 8, 101462 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

 Belzunce Segarra Maria Jesus, Montero Natalia, Rodriguez José Germain, Menchaca Iratxe, Franco Javier, Larreta Joana, Amouroux Isabelle, Bersurder Philippe, Bolam Thi, Caetano Miguel, Carvalho Ines, Correia Dos Santos Margarida, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Guesdon Stephane, McHugh Brendan, Menet-Nedelec Florence, Millan Gabet Vanessa, Perceval Olivier, Regan Fiona, Robinson Craig D., Rodrigo Sanz Marta, Rosa Nuno F., Schintu Marco, Scurfield Judith, White Blanaid (2019). New tools for monitoring the chemical status in transitional and coastal waters under the Water Framework Directive . In Perspectivas del agua Investigación, gestión y valores del agua en el mundo actual. Miguel Ángel Álvarez-Vázquez y Elena De Uña-Álvarez (Coord.). 2019. ISBN: 978-84-1324-549-2. pp.53-65