VEILLE POP (Since 2010)

Prospective monitoring of persistent organic pollutants of emerging concern in marine mollusks

Ifremer Coordination

Type of project


Projet duration


C. Munschy


OFB (Office Français de la Biodiversité)

Since 2010

This interannual study coordinated and conducted by our team and funded by the French Office of Biodiversity (OFB) aims to document the levels and trends of contaminants of emerging concern not routinely followed in monitoring programs, and for which very little (or no) data for the marine environment are available at national level. Since 2010, intertidal mollusks have been collected at about twenty coastal and estuarine sites along the French coast, some under influence of the main French watersheds on the one hand and some from more distant sites on the other. The contaminants targeted in this study are evolving and include brominated and chlorinated flame retardants (FRs), per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), synthetic musks, and organophosphate esters (flame retardants and plasticizers – OPEs) in 2022. The results of this study contribute to the improvement of knowledge on contaminants of emerging concern, by providing essential data on their presence in the marine environment and on the temporal evolution of their levels, allowing to follow the impact of regulations.

Ifremer staff

Y. Aminot, C. Pollono, K. Héas-Moisan, N. Olivier, N. Bely

Laboratoires Environnement Ressources (AR, BL, BO, LR, MPL, N, PAC, PC)

Main results :

Aminot Y., Munschy C., Héas-Moisan K., Pollono C., Tixier C., 2021. Levels and trends of synthetic musks in marine bivalves from French coastal areas. Chemosphere 268, 129312.

Munschy C., Aminot Y., Pollono C., Bely N., Héas-Moisan K., Olivier N., 2020. Veille sur les nouveaux polluants organiques persistants dans les mollusques marins – Veille-POP. Rapport convention ONEMA-IFREMER 2020, 73 pages.

Munschy C., Bely N., Pollono C., Aminot Y., 2019. Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the marine environment: Spatial distribution and temporal profile shifts in shellfish from French coasts. Chemosphere 228, 640–648.

Munschy C., Aminot Y., Tixier C., Pollono C., Bely N., Héas-Moisan K., Olivier N., 2019. Veille sur les nouveaux polluants organiques persistants dans les mollusques marins – Veille-POP. Rapport convention ONEMA-IFREMER 2018, 69 pages.

Munschy C., Olivier N., Veyrand B., Marchand P., 2015. Occurrence of legacy and emerging halogenated organic contaminants in marine shellfish along French coasts. Chemosphere 118, 329-335.

Munschy C., Marchand P., Venisseau A., Veyrand B., Zendong Z., 2013. Levels and trends of the emerging contaminants HBCDs (hexabromocyclododecanes) and PFCs (perfluorinated compounds) in marine shellfish along French coasts. Chemosphere, 91, 233-240.