POLLUSOLS (2015-2020)

Diffuse pollution through the Land-Sea continuum

Coordination Ifremer

Type de projet


 Durée du projet


J. Knoery (LBCM)


Régjon Pays de la Loire


Site Région Pays de la Loire
Site Ifremer

This project started from the observation that human activities (transport, industry, heating, agriculture, etc.) release pollutants, which disseminate and contaminate the environment, including the marine environment like its sediments or biological resources. Large areas of land can thus be permanently polluted -even if very slightly, and then act as diffuse sources of contaminants. Within the  Pays de la Loire region, several teams of researchers from different fields (biology, geology, sociology, biogeochemistry, physics, etc.) have come together and focussed on the issues of diffuse pollution and its management.

The three objectives of this 2015-2020 program were :

     - to improve our understanding of the entire pollution cycle in the land-sea continuum,

    - to develop relevant tools for the management of polluted soils and sediments,

    - to regionally structure research activities on diffuse pollution and using an original, shared  scientific approach across the entire land-sea continuum.

The pollutants examined in this program are metals chosen as "model contaminants", the metals being too numerous to be studied in their diversity: emerging metals (platinoids), other toxic at low levels (mercury, lead), and others essential trace-metals, which aere inherently toxic in high concentrations; copper, zinc), or radionuclides.

The Pollusols program is funded mainly by the Pays de la Loire Region, is coordinated by the University of Nantes, and is managed by OSUNA

Ifremer Staff
Academic partners 


L’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Nantes Atlantique (OSUNA), l’Université de Nantes [Laboratoire de Planétologie et géodynamique (LPG) et Laboratoire d'Economie et de Management de Nantes-Atlantique (LEMNA)], le Bureau de Recherche Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), le Laboratoire de physique subatomique et des technologies associées (SUBATECH) de l’Ecole des Mines et l’Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (IFSTTAR)