MEDCIS (2018-2019)

Support Mediterranean Member States towards coherent and Coordinated Implementation of the second phase of the MSFD

Coordination Ifremer

Type de projet


 Durée du projet


A. Mauffret (DCSMM)


European Commission  DG  Environment]  under  grant  agreement  n°  11.0661/2016/748067/SUB/ENV.C2


Site internet

The main objectives of this project are:

  • to facilitate and provide the methodological standards for the next phase of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) towards coordinated approaches between Member States, across the Mediterranean by reviewing, comparing, selecting and adapting appropriate existing methodologies;
  • to focus on Mediterranean regional/subregional cooperation towards the standardization of suitable approaches to achieve GES, taking in consideration the specificities of the basin and of the countries.
Personnels Ifremer
Les partenaires

Jacek Tronczynski (BE), François Galgani (LER/PAC), Jean-François Cadiou (DAEI)

HCMR (Grèce), AZTI (Espagne), IEO (Espagne), IFREMER (France) IOF(CROATIE), USALENTO (Italie), CORILA (Italie), IWRS (Slovénie), NIB (Slovénie), NTUA (Grèce), NKUA (Grèce)